The History of the Qu’Appelle River Canoe Race
This 16km race offers a race experience and the opportunity to learn from others in a group environment. Creek paddling is challenging due to the meandering river flow, the changing depth conditions and the effects of waves generated from boats and the river bed. The race provides a group environment in a small creek where mistakes are amplified and learning opportunities can be found at every turn. This race also promotes pack paddling by allowing teams to turn as soon as they see another boat coming back downstream. The result is a fast paced, chaotic finish as all boats return to the start/finish line with a few minutes. The race start and finish locations may change every year based on current water flows. Races may begin upstream from Craven, upstream from Lumsden or downstream from Lumsden. This helps make race tactics for even the most advanced teams more challenging to prepare which makes this race very challenging.
2023 RMCC June Race at Qu’Appelle River, Saskatchewan

Sunday, June 18, 2023 – Race Day
10AM Race Start – Meet at “The Merv Woods Boathouse”
All boat classes welcome.
Register at ZONE4
2019 RMCC June Race at Qu’Appelle River, Saskatchewan
Race Distance: The race is a 16km buoy turn return-loop track between Craven and Lumsden on the Qu’Appelle River.
Date and Location: The 2019 race will be Saturday, June 15th from 10AM to 12PM at the Qu’Appelle River with a lunch social afterwards. The start, finish, lunch and social will be at Craven Rink, Craven, Saskatchewan (Google Map: 2 Hill Ave, Craven, Sk).
The Craven Rink is available to provide shelter, washrooms and will be the location of this years lunch and social.
Lunch: A lunch with a variety of items and refreshments will be provided after the race.
Families with Children: The rink location provides areas for kids to play indoor floor hockey and other indoor games (colouring, etc). Their is also spray park and playground located in Lumsden. No formal babysitting services are provided at this event.
Contact for details.
Race Teams and Results (Bowsmen and Race Times will auto-update morning of race).
2018 RMCC June Race at Qu’Appelle River, Saskatchewan
The 2018 race was held on June 9th from 10am to 12PM at the Qu’appelle River. The race is an 17km track between Craven and Lumsden (google 2 Hill Ave, Craven, Sk).
We had 21 marathon canoe proboats on the water and all paddlers call Saskatchewan home! A tremendous amount of wave action was created for the first 500 metres of the race due to the amount of boats in the river. It was a fats paced action packed event and one to remember!
Here are the results:
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2017 RMCC June Race Results
Our race was a very competitive event on this rainy June 17th day at the Qu’appelle River. Today’s race was a 17km track between Craven and Lumsden (google 2 Hill Ave, Craven, Sk).
Before the boats were put into the water, Mike Vincent provided a route review and clinic for all participants. Mike then finished with a heart-felt “minute of silence” in memory of Merv Woods. Merv was a key contributor to the paddling community and to our June event.
The race started at the Craven Dam and travelled upstream until they reached a turning buoy (approximately 9 kms upstream). At the buoy, the leading boats turn downsteam to paddle the same track and finish at the Craven Community Rink dock. When the leader boats begin the upstream buoy turn, all remaining boats may turn downstream as well to make it a competitive gathering at the finish. Ernest Exner was again gracious enough to be our race starter and timer.
The start of this race was hectic as we had 14 boats in starting in a tight spot at the beginning of the race. It was so intense one participant broke a paddle due to the action at the beginning of the race. The water was high and current was non-existent so drafting and tactics was key to a successful finish. The race lasted approximately 90 minutes for the majority of the group. Ian Mulholland and Elizabeth Tomczak were designed as the safety boat today and the Clipper White Water II had no problem navigating the high water today. There services were needed downstream as one boat tipped in the flurry of action.
All participants finished well and paddled with determination. Again, it was a very fun and competitive event enjoyed by all.
We had participants from British Columbia, Saskatchewan (Regina and Saskatoon) and Manitoba. We had babysitter services for participants kids where they were allowed to color, make crafts and play floor hockey within the Craven Community Rink. At the end of the race, we were hosted by the Craven Elks as they served us a warm meal within the Craven Community Centre.
Here are some pictures from the event.

Participants before the race.

Craven Elks hosting Chili and Hotdogs.

Participants after the race.

Holt Brunskill helping his dad get the truck out of the mud.
Here are the 2017 June Race results:
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2016 June Race Results
The June Lumsden Race is hosted every year by the Regina Marathon Canoe Club at the Qu’Appelle River between Lumsden and Craven. The June 18, 2016 race was attended by 30 participants from both the Regina and Saskatoon Marathon Clubs. It was an astounding success not only for the competitive and fun atmosphere but also for the hard work by our host co-ordinator Merv Woods and his volunteer team. Participant ages were between 10 and 70 years old. This event is part of the Saskatchewan point series and a Provincial Qualifier for Marathon Worlds.
This years course was an average start/finish time of 90 minutes and started at 11AM.
2016 Lumsden Race – Recorded from Go-Pro Boat (Brent Jacobs and Dale Beck)
2016 Lumsden Race Results
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Previous Years Results
2015 Lumsden Race (C2)
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2015 Lumsden Race (C1)
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